Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hangi Anyone?

Last week we made a hangi! On Tuesday we got some iron from Kaukapakapa which is where Mr. Zeb is from. On Wednesday we prepped the hole and all the veggies. This took about an hour to do it all but all the other classes helped with it. After that we put cardboard in the hole, then branches and bamboo leaves, next was the firewood and last we put the iron on top. We covered it with a tarp to keep it dry for the next day. In the morning we woke up a 5:00 A.M. and we got dressed and went outside to light the fire! We waited until the fire was hot and then we put the food in trays and then put the trays into the baskets. We put the baskets in the hole and then we covered it with sacks and sheets that were wet. Next we covered them with dirt and let the hangi cook for 2 ½ hours. While it was cooking we showered and then went to the cottage to make pavlova for dessert. We cut up the fruit and then went back to the hangi. It was finally ready! We dug all the dirt off and then removed the sacks. The rest of the school came to watch us working to take the hangi out. When we took the hangi out of the hole we put it on the trailer and took it over to the lunch tables. We said karakia and then we dished it out to everybody. This was one of the best hangi’s ever!


  1. It must have been so difficult to get up at 5am! After reading your blog post I feel like I can almost smell the hangi. Next time I think you should send out invitations for visitors to attend!!!

  2. Room 1 made a nice hangi. Thanks!

    from Nikora
